Chicken congee is quick and easy to make in the Instant Pot®, cutting down on time but not flavor. Serve this Asian breakfast porridge any time of the...
I served these spicy grilled game hens on a bed of romaine lettuce with a spoonful of the Calabrian chile paste for garnish. It's a very delicious, flavorful,...
Simple brownies made with Mexican hot chocolate disks. Great way to use them up! Enjoy! This recipe was borne from a desire to use up Mexican hot chocolate...
This Greek lemon chicken meal is made entirely in one pan, and is completely packed with classic Greek flavors! Garnish with minced fresh parsley and lemon...
This delicious stir-fry is similar to yakisoba, but is made with thick, white udon noodles and tossed with a much simpler sauce. Often used in soups, udon...
A savory stew featuring duck, pomegranate, and walnuts, which is every bit as exotic as it sounds. This is my interpretation of the ancient classic. I'm...
Chocolate lined ramekins filled with absolutely sinful creme brulee. Top with fresh berries when in season. Perfect for that special dinner, but easy enough...
Fragrant and colorful fresh egg pasta infused with saffron. Roll out in thin sheets with or without a pasta machine, then bake directly in a lasagna with...
Rum-spiked chicken in tasty sauce atop a bed of rice. Topped with banana slices. This is my favorite dish to prepare because you get to set the chicken...
This is a special beef recipe from my country which is really tasty and there is a special technique which softens the beef until the texture is like chicken....
A traditional Chinese dessert analogous to rice pudding. The eight treasures refers to the 8 different nutritious ingredients that go into it. It is traditionally...
This is the best tasting, easiest prepared springerle recipe I have baked over the past 35+ years. I use a springerle board for ease, vs. the rolling pin....
I learnt how to make this recipe in Sweden. It tastes great even if it's totally high fat! I don't really know how many of these balls the recipe yields...
Crunchy fried fish tacos with a delicious and easy homemade chipotle salsa! My husband loves these, and it's a great summer meal to eat outside with a...
My college roommate was from Taiwan, and this dish that she made was my favorite. I asked for it so much she finally gave me her recipe! A great Asian...
A double chocolate cookie inspired by the flavors of Mexico. Great for dipping in coffee or milk, leaves a warm taste on the tongue. Spice to taste; coconut...
Do you need the convenience of an oven meal? Try this baked chicken piccata to serve with pasta or rice. If you have a picky eater, just serve their chicken...
I used to visit my friend Teresa in Brownsville, TX. We would cross the border to this open air vendor/food stand to eat this. The cook did not or could...
A staple dish in Matamoros, Mexico, this simple recipe starts with ground beef mixed with spices that you already have in your kitchen and turns into a...
These are the kind of cookies you'd spend a fortune on in an Italian bakery. They are made with almond filling, not almond extract. Very rich, cake-like...
This is so simple and so good! I replicated this recipe from my favorite Thai restaurant in Atlanta. Serve tofu over the rice and drizzle generously with...
If you have ever wanted to make great authentic Japanese noodle house ramen, this recipe is for you. Great for singles with some cooking experience and...
A special chicken dish, named for my girlfriend, with sun-dried tomatoes, pancetta and Brie cheese in a sherry cream sauce. Serve over angel-hair pasta...
Simply marinate skinless, boneless chicken breasts in Italian-style salad dressing for a few hours. Cook fully; when done, place in a skillet or slow cooker...
This chicken dish is straight from the Szechuan province of China and it is hot! It is known in China as Chong Qing Lazi Ji. Unfortunately, substituting...